Do You Really Comprehend What is Happening
If you had “Enough of the Corruption” – We have some information you May be interested in Researching: http://constitutionalconventions.ca/ At one time or another, most of us have embarked on an effort to change the current system that has been a part of ourselves and...

If you had “Enough of the Corruption” – We have some information you May be interested in Researching: https://constitutionalconventions.ca/ At one time or another, most of us have embarked on an effort to change the current system that has been a part of ourselves...
Fred Rodell, Woe Unto You Lawyers
Woe unto you, lawyers - Fred Rodell, Woe Unto You Lawyers! In 1939, just after the “Switch in Time” of 1937, Fred Rodell, a 32-year-old full professor of law at Yale Law School released “Woe Unto You, Lawyers!”. Fred Rodell began his preface “No lawyer will like...

The Canadian Deception

The agreement between the Dekis and queen Victoria
Agreement Between Dekis and Queen Victoria, The Year 1665 on the Bargain 1835
Redress grievances of the sovereigns
Redress of Grievances by Alberta Sovereigns
Member Form
Alberta Member Form
Member Form
Alberta Member Form
Public Notice
Republic of Alberta Public Notice
j wilton littlechild v alberta wetaskiwin court case
J Wilton Littlechild V Wetaskiwin Court Case Alberta
Mr walter f kuhl letter constitutional crisis
Mr. W. F. KUHL Letter Constitutional Crisis
interim administration meeting
the story of the committee of 300
The Story of The Committee of 300
The history of common law
The squamish nation
The Squamish Nation
the committee of 300
The Committee of 300
Education in the Republic of Alberta
Education in the Republic of Alberta
A Gradual Transfer from Canada Corporation to the Republic of Alberta
A Gradual Transfer from Canada Corporation to the Republic of Alberta
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the Republic of Alberta
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of the Republic of Alberta
The Republic of Alberta Treasury Fund
The Republic of Alberta Treasury Fund will be established to Create our own Currency
The Republic of Alberta Black Gold
The Republic of Alberta Black Gold
Video Gallery
British Columbia The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents. Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. AlbertaThe main part of the actual constitution...
UNALIENABLE RIGHTS The state of a thing or right which cannot be sold Things which are not in commerce, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable. Some things are unalienable, in consequence of particular provisions in the law forbidding their sale or transfer,...
Canadians Need to be Educated About Canada’s history
Canadians Need to be Educated About Canada’s history Constitutional Conventions Canadians need to be educated about Canada’s history – this is absolutely key if the people of the Canadian provinces have any chance of taking control of their lives and what belongs to...
Ho Canada Rogers Smith
Never Have so Many Known so Little About so Much HO, CANADA ! by R. Rogers Smith, ( Chief Wapanatak )Canada is merely a geographical expression, not a political entity, says R. Rogers Smith, long-time battler for the right of Canadians to vote as Canadians, a right he...
Constitutional Problems in Canada
Mr. Kuhl’s final year serving as a politician, he brought forward Canada’s constitutional problems in the House of Commons. Here is the transcript of that entry. CANADA A COUNTRY WITHOUT A CONSTITUTIONA Factual Examination Of The Constitutional Problem By Walter F....
Canada Charter of the So-called Rights
It is important to emphasize the point that Canada is a De Facto Government and what that really means, as it is not something we should take lightly. It means that an undisclosed coup has taken place and the people who run the Government do not represent the people...

Mission Statement
We’re all working together, that’s the secret. We are creating a Constitution that represents both men & women’s unalienable rights, liberties and freedoms. The Constitution will create an accountable administration that is responsible to the sovereigns. People...
Letter to Rene Levesque Addressing Quebec’s Will To Separate
In this letter he made it clear to Mr. Levesque that Quebec was, and continues to be, a sovereign nation, as do ALL provinces in Corporation of Canada.Any and all information from Constitutional Conventions must be given to the original author by citing the source for...
common law vs Natural Sovereign Law
Common Law Grand Jury vs Natural Sovereign Grand Jury
Natural Law vs Common Law
Any and all information from Constitutional Conventions must be given to the original author by citing the source for original content http://constitutionalconventions.ca/NATURAL LAW VERSUS COMMON LAW GRAND

British Columbia Zoom Room
Join Our ZOOM Meeting Room. Hello, all sovereigns of British Columbia. Click below to join our BC zoom room. Join The Zoom Room We Run The Zoom Room Monday to Friday. 6pm to 10pm Pacific Time. We The People, For The People, By The People. We The People, Take The Power...

Alberta Zoom Room
Alberta Administration Meeting Sunday 10:00 am MST (CLICK HERE) Interim Admin training Meeting Sunday 3:00 pm MST (CLICK HERE) For More Information Please Contact: Cath Walker acwalker@sasktel.net We are Sovereign, Living, Beings Truth be our Spirit &...

Zoom Room
For More Information Please Contact: Cath Walker acwalker@sasktel.net We are Sovereign, Living, Beings Truth be our Spirit & Heart With Lands full of Sunshine and Winds that Shape the Prairies We Walk Respectful Foot Steps Upon our Hills and Rivers Create...

Manitoba Zoom Room
Join Our ZOOM Meeting RoomJoin us to help Create and Ratify The Constitution of the Republic of Manitoba in a ZOOM Meeting RoomEmail: Eric Carberal shadow@goinet.ca for Meeting Times Republic of Manitoba ZOOM Meeting Room

Ontario Zoom Room
Republic of Ontario ZOOM Meeting Room Join us to help Create and Ratify the Constitution of the Republic of Ontario in a ZOOM Meeting Room. We have Zoom Room Meetings Monday - Sunday Opens at 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm EST

Quebec Zoom Room
Join Our ZOOM Meeting Room / Rejoignez notre salle de réunion ZOOMJoin us to help Create The Constitution of the Republic of Quebec in a ZOOM. Meeting 10am-12am UTC-4 Room Please Email Justin: justin_perreault.v@hotmail.com For more information, Thank you Rejoignez...

New Brunswick Zoom Room
Join Our New Brunswick Hub Zoom RoomHello all sovereigns! Have questions, need rally ideas or just want to converse with like minded sovereigns then join our New Brunswick Hub Room. Located in New Brunswick we are the core of the movement and can give you directions. ...

Nova Scotia Zoom Room
Join Our ZOOM Meeting RoomJoin us to help Create and RatifyThe Constitution of the Republic of Nova Scotia. Come meet and speak with other like minded sovereigns in our ONLINE ZOOM ROOM HUB. It is Free to join and attend.The HUB is open daily from 10 am until 10 pm MST.

Prince Edward Island Zoom Room
Join Our ZOOM Meeting Room Join us to help Create and Ratify The Constitution of the Republic Come meet and speak with other like minded sovereigns in our ONLINE ZOOM ROOM HUB. It is Free to join and attend. The HUB is open daily from 10 am until 10 pm MST.

Newfoundland Zoom Room
Join Our ZOOM Meeting RoomJoin us to help Create and RatifyThe Constitution of the Republic Come meet and speak with other like minded sovereigns in our ONLINE ZOOM ROOM HUB. It is Free to join and attend.The HUB is open daily from 10 am until 10 pm MST.

Yukon Territory Zoom Room
we are re using main zoom as of now Join Our ZOOM Meeting Room Join us to help Create and Ratify The Constitution of the Republic Come meet and speak with other like minded sovereigns in our ONLINE ZOOM ROOM HUB. It is Free to join and attend. The HUB is open daily...
Nova Scotia Constitution
Nova Scotia Constitution January 16 2021 2020 Draft
Yukon Constitution
Constitution Coming Soon

Alberta Constitution Parts 1 - 8Alberta Member Form
Quebec Constitution
Constitution Citoyenne du Québec (Prototype d’ossature constitutionnelle) Début de cogitation : ~ le 12 août 1993 Début de cette rédaction : le 18 mai 2019 Dernières Corrections : le 3 août 2020 Initiateur: Yves Legault cc2020YLL20190518.odtYLL20190518 Avant-propos au...
Prince Edward Island Constitution
Prince Edward Island Constitution January 15 2021 Draft
Ontario Constitution
ONTARIO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS DRAFT 02/21Republic of Ontario constitution affirmation 03/21Ontario Affirmation Signatures 2021Declaration of Sovereignty for The Republic of OntarioThe Interim AMINISTRATION of the Republic of Ontario 2021CONTACT ONTARIO FOR...

Nunavut Constitution
Constitution Coming Soon

Northwest Territories Constitution
Constitution Coming Soon
Newfoundland Constitution
Republic of NL Constitution
New Brunswick Constitution
Manitoba Constitution
Manitoba Constitution Draft January 16 2021 updated
British Columbia Constitution
British Columbia Constitution January 15 2021 Draft


Turtle Island
Life, Liberty, Prosperity, and land is the true nation to nation relationship. All nations have the resources to direct and create a sovereign currency. Sovereignty allows communities to shape their social and economic well- being. Sovereign Nations develop and...
Provinces Must Become their Own Independent Republic to Survive
Provinces Must Become their Own Independent Republic to Survive Provinces Must Become their Own Independent Republic to Survive Constitutional Conventions is the Solution to form a New Republic, Non-Affiliated with Any Party, with Non-Partisan Elected Representatives...
How to Create a Lawful Republic Administration
How to Create a Lawful Republic Administration (Hold Constructional Conventions and seat a De Jure Republic) How and who properly creates constitutions and sovereign Republic Nation. It requires merely a public consensus about the purpose of the nation and how to best...

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents. Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS FROM COAST TO COASTSEE OUR BC...

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS FROM COAST TO COASTSEE OUR BC EXAMPLE...

WELCOME Saskatchewan
The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS FROM COAST TO COASTSEE OUR BC EXAMPLE...

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS FROM COAST TO COASTSEE OUR BC EXAMPLE...

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS FROM COAST TO COASTSEE OUR BC EXAMPLE...

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS FROM COAST TO COASTSEE OUR BC EXAMPLE...

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS FROM COAST TO COASTSEE OUR BC EXAMPLE...

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area.

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area.

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area.

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.

The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.Read the open & closing times of our zoom rooms and join the discussion in your province & local area.
It’s Time For Accountability

It’s Time To Take Back Our Nations
1992: Charlottetown Accord (failed)
1987: Meech Lake Accord aka the Constitutional Accord (failed)
1985: Governor General’s Act
1983 Constitution Amendment Proclamation, 1983. An amendment of the Constitution Act, 1982 converting the status of the “Aboriginal People” from Sovereign to “Persons”.
1982: Constitution Act includes Charter of Rights and Freedoms, an act created by the UK Parliament on behalf of the Queen of England
1982: Royal Proclamation
1982: Canada Act, an act created by the “Government of Canada” for the Queen of England.
1975: BNA Act Part 1 and 2
1974: BNA Act
1965: BNA Act
1964: BNA Act
1960: BNA Act
1952: BNA Act
1952: Royal Styles and Titles Act, created the “Queen of Canada”
1951: BNA Act
1949: Newfoundland Act
1948: Income Tax Act, created as an order-in-council
1947: New “Letters Patent” signed by the PM Mackenzie King
1946: BNA Act
1943: BNA act, repealed by the Constitution Act, 1982

1948: Income Tax Act, created as an order-in-council
1940: BNA Act
1931: Statute of Westminster – ending the letters patent/BNA act, allowing Canada to Confederate
1929 – 1930: Imperial Conferences
1923: Imperial Conferences
1911: Imperial Conferences
1907: Imperial Conferences
1930: BNA Act
1915: BNA Act
1907: BNA Act
1905: Alberta Act and Saskatchewan Act
1905: Alberta Act and Saskatchewan Act
1893: Statute Law Revisions Act (UK) – Removal of Sec. 2 of the BNA act, legally removing the Monarchy from Canada
1891: Judicature Acts (UK) – Ending the “Court of Chancery
1889: Interpretations Act (UK) – Sec. 18, Par. 3 – stating Canada is a Colony
1886: BNA Act dominion of canada
1876: Indian Act
1876: Indian Act
1873: Prince Edward Island Terms of Union
1871: Treaty of Washington
1871: BC Union
1870: Manitoba Act
1869: Deed of Surrender
1868: Rupert’s Land Act
1867: BNA Act passed by British Parliament cherry-picked from the Quebec Res
1864: Quebec Resolutions / British North America (BNA) Act created
1864: Quebec Resolutions / British North America (BNA) Act created
1865: Colonial Laws Validity Act
1841 – 1866: Governor Generals of the Province of Canada
1791: The Constitutional Act

1786 – 1841: Governor Generals of the “Province of Canada
Below are lists of the former Governors General of New France and British North America called Canada became in 1867, and a list of the former Governors General of Canada since 1867. Two members of the Royal Family have held this post: the Duke of Connaught and the...

1763 – 1786: Governors of the Province of Quebec – England
1763 – 1786: Governors of the Province of Quebec – England Claude Bélanger,Department of History,Marianopolis College (The Constitution is here treated jointly with the Instructions sent to James Murray; these instructions are important to understand the...
1763: First “Letters Patent” issued by the British Crown

1760 – 1763: Treaty of Paris aka Treaty of Peace and Friendship
1763 Treaty of Paris The Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, between His Britannic Majesty, the Most Christian King, and the King of Spain that was concluded at Paris, also known as the Peace of Paris, or the Treaty of 1763, was signed on February 10, 1763....

1759: Battle of Quebec: the Plains of Abraham between France and England
Old postcard showing the fortress “Citadel” of Quebec City on an inaccessible steep cliff with the plains of Abraham behind. French forces were arranged to the east and several kilometres to the west upriver, but egos and disputes on the French side left a weak spot...

1670: Hudson’s Bay Company Chartered

1627 – 1663: Governors of New France
Louis de Buade, Count of Frontenac and Palluau (source: “Dessin de Louis de Buade, comte de Frontenac et de Palluau (1622-1698)”, digital image of a 2016 drawing by Christian Robert de Massy, Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, https://commons.wikimedia.org....
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