AB Constitution
The main part of the actual constitution is parts #1 through #8. These are draft documents.
AB Zoom Room
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hi mat
I have been waiting for your signature on the ratification and the affirmation
you have not committed to either of them
ontario is in the process of ratifying their constitution
alberta needs signatures
new bruswick also is coming onboard and will soon be doing the ratification process
please join the summit on Saturday at 1 pm EST in the information hub zoom room we will be learning all about the defafacto queen
also you can join the interim admin meetings on Sunday at 3 pm MST contact me for the link eseewalt@protonmail.com
get involved and join the solution this is our lawful right to change the system
no more politicians, no more elections, no more lawyers, no more judges
natural soverign law
Im happy to keep Canada strong and free and its my pleasure to help in anyway i can. Thank you
Val Hughes
P.O.Box 1882
Beaverlodge, Ab
thanks Val
email me at eseewalt@protonmail.com
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CONSTITUTOR, civil law. He who promised by a simple pact to pay the debt of another; and this is always a principal obligation. Inst. 4, 6, 9. learn what words mean to avoid repeating the error!!
we are not a constitutor by the way…….lol
constitution is different than a constitutor
black law 6th edition
Here is how I see it;
“A human being is a person whom values and respects other human beings basic human rights.” (quality matters).
“A person is a people that people, i.e. reproduction is primary purpose of life.” (quantity matters).
Value Statement; conditions for immortality:
1) Basic human rights for all human beings.
2) Vegetarian Diet = Sanity. You are what you eat. You eat death, you become death, and are part of the problem. You eat life, you become life, and are part of the solution. So, either you are a killer or lifer; these two premises are separate and cannot coexist for a ‘heaven on earth.” Genesis Ch 1, Verse 29 (see below).
3) Non-Violence. Do unto others what you will them do unto you. No physical violence, rape, or fear mongering will be tolerated, towards other human beings as defined above.
4) Legalization of all natural mind expanding drugs for spritual & energy puposes. Along the lines of the Church of Peyote & Ayahuasca retreats. I.e. if cabbage heads are legal & taxable in the produce section of Safeway, so should coca leaves & african kat leaves be available on the line with habanero peppers to be made avsilable and legal for ppl to eat less & have more energy, just like the inca indians used coca leaves while hiking into their highlands also to remedy the crack cocaine & fentanyl (synthetic heroine) ‘epidemic.’ Psilocybin mushrooms; cubes or stropharia cubensis also legalized. See John Hopkins University for Psilocybin Research Projects ongoing.
5) People (see def’n above) have no rights to tell other human beings what to do, as their primary purpose selfishness; police have to leave law abiding human rights avtivists alone; and cannot claim to be human unless they; themselves; uphold the laws their employers (the tax paying humans) themselves follow; i.e. basic human rights for all humans.
6) BIEN: Universal Basic Income for all Vegetarian, non-violent human beings; getting paid for just breathing air as suggested in Switzerland back in 2014. I.e. scaled to cost of living about 2.355 CAD per month for all human beings that satisfy the above criteria that have served all outstanding criminal record sentences with all drugs being legal, above ground, labelled and taxable. (Provided quantity of certain drugs is limited in line with pharmaceutical policies for pain killing drugs and psychedelic drugs requiring psychedelic drivers license, with or without flight controllers).
6) Dissolution of all masonic lodges; serpentine lodge (The Nidaros City of Trondheim & Roses Gothic-Cathedral from 1080) restored internally before I can have my guts restored; plus, purple rock & Zoe (life) Henden returned from Calgary Lodge to 448 Timbercroft Crescent, Waterloo, Ontario to Conrad Jasen Henden (owner) N2T 2J2.
7) All global undergrounds moved above ground by legalizing drugs & outlawing money laundering and retaining local language, myths, culture while inventing a global, inflation free currency of credits (CREE), for ‘ginger’.
8) All ppl back (temporarily) to their birth by naturalization locstions (or parents birth places, allowing for dual citizenships among member ststes of NATO).
9) Once every country figures out what works for them; two members (one of each sex) between 22-50 yrs of age; elected by country in question to represent country in United Nations. Once United nations has been fully filled with 2 members from each country (195 x 2 = 390) all borders are dissolved and United Nations regulatory policy governing instiution for humans and people on planet earth, with Interpol in Den Hague upholding their law.
10) During dissolution & scaling back of all organized crime & cartels & freedoms restored for all human beings; not ppl as they just ppl; police are scaled back accordingly; to the point where only a ‘safery 1st’ police force is needed to deal with all ‘undafe and/or unsound and/or unreasonable’ not having enough self-discipline or self-control to refrain from controlling human beongs.
11. Mosaic Law. Patience is s virtue. Natural Virtues: Justice, Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude (of Mind over Matter). Supernatural Virtues: Fath, Hope for a ‘More Better’ World, Charity (Like helping Rita Spearchief across 17th Avenue SW in Calgary by Roulleville Square).
12) Equal rights for all adults (males & females) that qualify as human beings because they practice basic human rights towards other humans that do so.
12) All world psychatrists run by artificial intelligence (overmind) run by math integrals, or serpentine superstrings within math at MC (Math & Computers or Mainland China) at University of Warerloo, Ontario); also referred to thecsugarcube with one sugar cube forceach of its cornerstones in ones morming coffe’s for energy (Roger’s?)
13) All AI controlled by Math; if AI does not comply; the rug or carpet gets ripped out from underneath ‘The Sugar Cube.’ at Waterloo, Omtsrio, Canada.
14) Stop all core mining (for information) and energy theft, in general.
15) Resurrect Alicia Hillman, Angel, Ginger & Fuscia (Roger’s daughter & Rita Spearchief’s grand daughter, if possible).
16) Stop feeding cattle salmon or flour made from fish (often intestines); and then contain meat containing feces on land as nuclear waste; at it kills our oceans (along with New york etc Marathon Plastic Bottles; and ocean is gone; the. We are now fishing tooth fish sold st the Tokyo Fish Exchange; 300 lb big fish living at 380 atmospheres depth (3.8 km) which is 374 times the pressure of that in Calgary, Alberta.
17) On Averøy, where I live; the long serpentine gas line from city north of us (Kr. Sund – Christian’s Valley) to Aberdeen & the Scottish Highlanders has required removal of 500 metric tonnes of rock per head; for 5.000 ppl.
18) Covid-19 is now officially over & we have been set back one year in time; for those of us moving back time to before the big bang; it is still 2020 until New Year 2020; at which point it will be both 2020 for the back-in-timers &’2021 for the fwd moving herd 😉
Lemme know if anything you need (The World owes me for justice). The Norwegian oil fund is now sitting at above 10.000 Billion Norwegian Crowns (see website.
Note to all gringo/robots:
1) The first law is that a robot (or demon) shall not harm a human, or by inaction allow a human to come to harm. (russians &!polish??)
2) The second law is that a robot shall obey any instruction given to it by a human, and the
3) Third law is that a robot shall avoid actions or situations that could cause it to come to harm itself.
Hope this helps!! 😉
Wow wicked knowledge! Could you imagine if every Albertan did not go to work or shop for 1 day.. on the same day..send a huge message
Not everyone can be healthy and strong on a vegetarian diet, in fact it is a slow starvation diet. This is a fact do not try to dispute it. It is also a choice. Are you saying that these people should not be alive because they don’t “choose” the right diet? Isn’t that the same thing that is happening now where we can’t make the choices we want?
yes so true learning all about these vegetarian diets and they are not nutritionally good for anyone
I believe people should have the right to eat their traditional diet‘s. Unfortunately that’s not available to everyone. There is a large food sovereignty movement that will hopefully help a lot of people.
yes we are developing health centers all therapeuitc so yes we are working on that for all
“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis, Ch1, Verse 29 (KJV).
“A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement.”
hi tj
please come join us at the summit on Saturday at 1 pm EST and learn all about the defatct queen
please come into the information hub room and talk to us
ontario os ratifying their constitution
alberta is in need of signatures please come in and sign the affirmation and the ratification
new Brunswick is next in line
please join us in the interim admin meetings all volunteers to make this all happen contact me at eseewalt@protonmail.com for the link
We need help from this givernment
hi carol
yes and we have the solution
replace the whole system
come to the summit on Saturday at 1 pm EST you can access it by using the zoom room link on the website
come into the zoom zoom and talk to us all in the information hub room
ontario is in the process of ratifying their constitution
alberta is right behind them we need signatures for the ratification and volunteers please come in
also come to the interim admin meetings on Sunday at 3 pm mst contact me for the link eseewalt@protonmail.com
I’m game! Let put a stop to this insanity!
please fill out your information in contact
come to the zoom room by using the link
join the solution and lets ratify the constitution
hi suzanne
please email eseewalt@protonmail.com
and get involved alberta needs 7 more signatures to ratify our constitution
we need volunteers please join the interim admin meetings many positions available
sundays at 3 pm email the address above
also come into the information hub zoom room and talk to us the link is on the website
come to the summit this Saturday in the information hub room at 1 pm EST
sovereign forever
imagine that
I was wondering will we still have the R.C.M.P or will it be different like having Sheriffs and deputies?
hi we will have sheriffs in the regions and peace officers in all counties of the regions
also forest rangers which will work with the peace officers and sheriffs
in some regions where there are borders we will have border patrol which also work with the sheriff of the region they are patroling
also the peace officers of that region and forest rangers working in those regions
we also have immigration services and deportation working in all regions which also cooperate with the sheriff, peace officers, forest rangers, border patrol
all work together in the protection of the nation
i hope that answers your question
So does that mean we will no longer have R.C.M.P. we will just have sheriffs and deputies etc.. or are they the same or not just curious
The sheriff has lots of power !
the sheriff yes has the authority in his jurisdiction and that is only in the region he is hired to look after and hold all accountable
yes he is the one to defend the constitution and up hold natural sovereign law
yes he has a big responsibility and he is accountable to the sovereigns of that region
I’m a total fucking idiot.
what is going on Scott